Sunday, June 19, 2005

Days Before

Hey All! I am very very excited to be going to Eagles Nest! In all of my crazyness to fit everything into the time that i have before i go i have felt alot of love and joy. I have had amazing coffee times with friends with deeper conversations which i LOVE! I have realized how protective my uncle Kent is of me, which suprizes me a little bit, but it feels wonderful to feel the love and protection that comes from knowing that he cares that much! How my auntie Laurie put on a breackfast for my dad, me and my sister when my dad told her that he was going to come up for a ball tournament just so that we could see each other. How at church, all i felt way love and joy that so many people came upt to the front to pray for my summer out at Eagles Nest! How God is SO good and faithful to come and meet with me when i started to dance out in worship! For the strength and encouragement that He brings, for people like my pastors and my old pastors that are an encouragement when they don't know it, and of course, for great friends who make me feel amazing when the simple truth is that i am no where close to even good! I love you all and will miss you when i am gone! May Dad richly bless your summers and your lives! See you when i get back! With love, Dawn
Galations 5:6 (this is the last part of the verse) The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
Please read Philemon 1: 4-7

I just learned you are going to Eagle's Nest. You will do great there. It will be life-changing & a super growing time for you. We pray God's blessing for you. Are you going as a counsellor? What a super opportunity. I've been hearing from lots of young adults who have been there. One guy who will be teaching you on prayer is Kayle Mumby. He helps with the prayer time at Grant's store. He is so in touch with with Spirit of God. I nearly fell over when I found out how old he was as I thought he'd be much older. If all your teachers are like him, you will grow. Love you Dawn.
hey dawn!!!
you always leave such lovely comments on my blog so i thought i would try and return the favour. first off, thanks for always being such an encouragement to me. i know we barely see each other but when we do, you have a way of making me want to be a better person and shine on for God. thanks for that. because of that, i am soooooooooo confident that eagles' nest will be an amazing experience for you and also for the lives of the campers whom you will meet. they are so blessed! have a great time dawn and i pray it will be a real growing experience for you. love ya lots...
hey lovey!
I refuse to say bye because we'll be seeing eachother again soon enough. Let HIM rock your summer as well as mine. We already have much catching up to do!
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