Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Faith and love.

God has been showing me how little faith our society has these days. This is especially true when it comes to love! This is something that God has radically changed my thinking in. I use to think that there wasen't "the perfect one" for me but when you married that person becomes the "perfect one". I also thought that God brings people into your life that would suit you well and you got to pick. Now, even though i still think that these things are true i realize how little faith i had that God would bring someone who is PERFECT for me. Now don't get this mixed up with that person being perfect, i know that he wont be perfect, he is human but he will match me perfectly! There are lots of guys who would be good for me and who, if i chose to marry, i would have a great marriage and life with. But my question is why settle? Why settle for great when you can have perfect? Why choose to be second when you could be first? Some people have come back with the argument that God doesn't make things clear and if you miss the guy because you are wanting a for sure answer then you will end up alone. Well, whats so wrong about being alone, hey i don't know about you but if i end up chillin with God my whole life that would be gnar! I would rather just be chillin with God because i was too careful than marry the wrong one because i wasen't careful! Don't get me wrong, i have a passion to get married and have kids but i shouldn't need them to make me happy in life! God is enough for me, he can provide that love i long for. God has promised me a husband, i have faith that he will be perfect for me in every way that God wants! I have had my heart broken and know the fickkleness that is love, its even hurting right at the moment, BUT i have the peace that passes all understanding and i am wading in that. So Daddy, please be with my husband today and hold him in Your hands. I pray that he would be continuing to grow and mature in you and that you would lead him on the right paths. I pray that you would provide all the things that he needs and that whatever his hand touches that it would be blessed! I love you Daddy, *kisses* Dawn I hope that this challenges some of your thinking on faith! Be blessed, love you all!

I want a man...
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