Monday, December 26, 2005

Ripped to shreads

Hey guys here is a peice that i wrote just under a year ago... i wrote it comming out of a painful experience. I am putting it on now because i have realized the lessons that i have learned and the growth that has taken place! Praise Jesus for that! Hope that you enjoy it, Be blessed!

Was my love not good enough
for you to hold near?
was my heart not warm enough
that you trampled it on the floor
Did my words mean nothing
Have my actions been empty
O how quickly we forget
the important lessons in life
Things that i thought i taught
now gone with the summers brease

How cheap you have left me
it has sucked my innermost glee
i feel no joy
i feel no pain
it has left a vat you see

In the comming days
with my heart so unsure
the choice that i must make weighs
for when i make it
i wish it to be holy and pure

Father, could you fill me with your joy
Can you wrap me in your love
all i am wanting is to be used
your servant
to do your will
and give glory to the one above

Hey Dawn your writing kicks butt. I am going to have to show you the stuff that I wrote. Keep pushing to get closer to God and I know that your dreams will come true. You are an amazing person and you know your God Love ya.
I've always enjoyed how 'freeing' writing is. A release to that pain you feel inside. It sure helps.. And it's awesome to look back a year later and see how you've grown from that experience. That's awesome.
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