Friday, March 31, 2006


just stop. just be with me. let me love you. and have you sit on my knee.

stop stiving. just rest. soak in my presence. and be blessed.

curled up. its just You and me. i am being held. loved. cared for. there shouldn't be this fear. i shouldn't be afraid. but i know that in You, i can be brave. my heart is here. its a little tattered. sorry that its not so pretty. sorry that its not more lovely. its all i have. its all i own. its here to take. its here to hold. in my mind i know that you will take good care of it. but its been beat up before. left so cold and alone. but You. You aren't like the rest. You don't rape. You don't steal. You don't decieve. You gently take my heart. holding it near. its by your gentle touch. that drives out my fear. i fall back. on all that is You. knowing your softness will catch me.its true. so i will rest here. i will soak in. Glory to Your name Lord. its by Your name that we will win. taking this moment. drinking it in. sitting with You. gets me to grin. watching the sunset. feeling Your glow. knowing Your near me. wherever i go. things whisp away. all there is is You. Your really all i want Lord. Your love is so true.

One thing that has hit me the past coupple days is how much i am not up to snuff... but how much God uses me anyway.... i don't have to be perfection, i am not horrible for not being (as megs would say) "spiritual" enough.... my writing doesn't even have to be good. God loves it.... just like parents love the drawings that their children give them.... are they good in the worlds standards? no. do they mean the world to the parents? yes! Thats what God wants. thats what He needs~ its what He LOVES....

I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid. John 14:27

This is that moment you told me about and I smiled because of it :) I'm thankful on a woman's behalf that they can depend on God for 'true' romance being as we men have corupted true love by stealing from women what wasn't ours in the first place, or by being selfish, seeking fulfillment without a care in the world for the woman. I'm just so glad God is the ultimate lover.. because not once does he disappoint.
There's hope in that second paragraph - that's what I got out of it. As I feel the same way (we all do) that we're never up to snuff, but that keeps us humbled and so we know it's God moving and not us, as long as we can keep our confidence I suppose. Good post, it's soothing!
Good post Dawn...something that I needed right now
When I have kids Im going to have a whole wall dedicated to their art!
I can picture God with this massive wall "sky high" and all my art is on it. My paintings from kindergarten, a portrait of me from every year, my dance, my funniest jokes and then all the stuff we laugh about together. The best thing is that he doesn't focus on my diploma from high school or the title I will get from college but its all the little stuff that makes him smitten!
I don't know if you've seen A Snoodle's Tale...if you haven't you need to come over and watch it with us...but at the end the little snoodle gives his Maker the picture that he drew, the one critisized by all the other snoodles, and the Maker puts it on His fridge...that's what your blog made me think of. That movie always makes me cry and when I'm depressed or sad and feel that my gifts are worthless I think of how it's like a picture on God's fridge and how He loves it no matter what the world thinks of it.
Thank God that He cares for us when no one else seems to... or the things we do... or even the things we CAN'T do... *smiles*
mmmm yeah hmmmm yeah
You could... we burried our fish when they died. ('we' being.. my brothers)

Now what would I do? Just throw em down the toilet and have a 'moment' of silence - nothing more. It's just a fish, you can get another one and they all look the same anyway. Are I not cold and heartless? YEA YEA!
I would say that we could do that with my dog but i am pretty sure she would plug the toilet~
We don't have to wait till she's dead, can we try it anyway? C'mon... we'll bring a video camera, it'll be good for a laugh! Muffin will laugh with us later
awww thats sad...even tho I am not a fan of dogs we arent flushing muffin
hey Dawn,

Don't worry about creeping me out, cause 1)It takes a lot to creep me out, and 2)I knew who you were cause Robbie has mentioned you before. So... I guess we are introduced now.
Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you for the comment. You put it sooo well and it was exactly what I needed to hear... so thank you.
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