Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Wow, today was AMAZING! God is SO good! Let me explain.... today one of my good buddies Jason spoke at Strathcona Christian Academy~ It started out kinda slow.... felt as if the young people weren't really connecting.... it got a little bit better as worship ended but not by much.... then Jason felt that God wanted to heal people...... he got people just to stand in there seat and then we asked God if He would come and move and heal the people that were in need of it.... and geuss what! HE DID! The leadership recieved words about knees and asthma and stomach problems and they were all healed! God is crazy good! I love how when you take a step of obediance that God pulls through! There were lots of knees, a coupple who had asthma and i think it was 4 that had stomach problems! It was cool... we also had some family issues, stress, headaches, fatigue... it was fantastical (thanks to Jon Jon for that word!)! It was funny though.... i was having a hard time praying a lot... it was mostly just words for people.... which i enjoy.... i like when God has words for people.... i have to say that sometimes we always ask for things from God and forget to listen to what He has to say.... and we forget to thank Him after all is said and done.... so after it was all over the team took a moment and just thanked God for showing up and for healing the sick! THANK YOU JESUS! You roc my sox! To everyone i hope that you have an AMAZINGLY FANTABULOUS DAY! Love you all! *hugs all around*

That's awesome stuff - I know it's one of those moments you had to be there, but it's comforting to know God is working everywhere in everyone.
I'm glad he never needs a break
Good post
Thats awesome! One billion points for God.
Ahahaha. SOO awesome! I really really like healings. Haha. I asked God earlier in the year to show me 5 healings this year. Uh. I think that goal was well surpassed. Oh Glory!!
It was really cool to meet you. Y'know have a face to the writer. :). Here's to more Holy Spirit waves of glory!
that's awesome, dawn, shounds like fun...i'm tired...i shouldn't even be on the computer
are you mmmk-ing at my peculiar number love-age?? Hmmmm??? I do not know what so grabs my attention about the number 47. But it's fun. Hah. And I'm quirky.
heh. i do live on that whole guard your heart thing. Heh. Thanks for the reminder! haha. anyways...
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Who's excited to come to Edmonton this weekend?! Jishwa is!!
I is
Who's excited to go to Winnipeg this weekend?

Derek's not.
yae for Nikki!

Derek? Win-eh-peg? Ghei.
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