Monday, May 08, 2006

tHE LiTtlE

I have come to the realization that life is lived in the little..... ok, i have had this revelation before but it was reinforced this weekend in more ways than one! It always astounds me how something as small as a smile can make someones day who's down~ or how a little faith and support for someone can stir them on to take a great leap of faith~ how the slightest touch can show how much someone actually cares! It is through these little moments, these life moments, where-to everyone else- it is just a mundane activity like watching a movie or eating supper.... but to me it is irreplaceable, it is where love and life reside.... it shows caring, friendship, vitality, warmth, courage, faith, bravery, integrity.... its the place in which i love~ The words that one says are reinforced by our actions, by the everyday 'mundane' of life! Life is how you see it... where some people see mundane... i see excitment, wonder, mystery... and all through not that much! The other day I was complimented by a friend.... she thanked me for all that i did.... i was appreciative of the compliment, but truthfully, i don't do much!.... for most of my friends, they think i am doing them the favour, but really its the opposite way around! I am so blessed to share in the lives of my friends... to be there in the little moments, those mean THE WORLD to me! So here's to the little moments..... the hugs, smiles, tears, laughter, tracings, talks, everything! May we never underestimate the little~ So thank you for the little.....Be blessed, i love you all- know that each of you has a special place in my heart!

I suddenly have that Boyz II Men song in my head...

It's so amazing how we can touch other people without us even noticing it, and vice versa. I can't count the times I've been blessed by someone else, just for them being them. Here's to the little things!
Wow Dawn so much wisdom in that...even tho you may get joy out of our lives there is still so much I learn from you everyday. The moments I have wouldnt be as big if you werent there to share them with me...I know I already thanked you on my blog but thank you again for being there for are an amazing women of God and I truly appreciate everything you do for me...even tho I can be stubborn at times and can make it harder for you and even when you think I am not listening I really am...I care so much for you and you truly are a best friend to you tons and see you soon.
The funny thing is I was just sitting here thinking about how often we look around for the BIG things like noticible miracles and the uncomprehendable blessings in our lives but often disregard the common things in our lives like friendships and health.

I think that by looking around for the HUGE things we miss out...we shouldnt take things like what you've mentioned for granted and from my experience it's only when we loose those "little" things...we find out how big they actually were.
Well put Schmo :) that's a really gentle, yet profound post. Sasha made a very good point as well.

Thanks for everything Dawn - for who you are and what you believe in, what you fight for. I agree with Nikki - you ARE an amazing woman of God.

I also see these little things and how they're sometimes subject to being thieved away and it just reminds me to fight for those moments in life - to not let anyone or anything steal those away. :)
i've been thinking along those lines lately. everyday i come home and just think about how my day has gone. when i have a long, not so good day (like today for instance) i look back at what made me smile to change my mind about that day. it's the little things that help me through each day, dawn. i hope they do the same for everyone as well.
hah. that's an amazing point. i try so hard to get enjoyment out of the simplest of things! People think I'm nuts, but that's okay, because when I'm like that I'm unforgetable and hopefully leave a footprint on their hearts. :). *shrugs* Cooooooooooooool! Mm, the time right now is 2:13. A mixed-up 1-2-3! Excellent. Peace out sista!
did that. layed down for a while. we watched stars. last summer, on the road out to echo dale. it WAS fun, especially when there were headlights coming at us and we couldn't tell how fast they were going. cold though... maybe we can try that when it's warmer next time.
hey I was there that was fun
Guess what?! Dawn's 20 on MONDAY!
Hey, I was there too! I think. Wait....yes, definately was there. At least one of the times...

WHAT? DAWN IS TURNING 20?? Happy B-Day! :D
man...ur all youngin's!!!!!

Happy Birthday my most favoritest bleach buddy....sniff some bleach and consider that ur present from me...for now....maybe me and connie will pitch in an buy you a "special" llama?!?!?!? And then maybe we can throw you a party and then we can play pin the tail on the REAL llama!!! OOOO I like that idea!! **MUAH** Love ya!!
I have your birthday present and its soooo amazing but you have to wait till I come up there cause I want to give it to you in person :)
She's not lying - it really is a piece of work that I KNOW is gonna touch your heart!
And he means piece of work in a good way, not in the "Your such a piece of work" critisizing way.
It's a framed photo of the Nikki's Blog Poo Picture!!!
derek you werent supposed to tell
YEAH, WHAT SHE SAID - HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY! Hope you're extremely blessed today! You oughta be!
If I gotta write a new blog, then you leave me no choice, but to nominate you too!! :)
Happy Birthday! :D
Something just dawned on me.... why have I been spelling 'Shmo', 'Schmo'?? I feel stupid now...

and why didn't you ever correct me?! And why did I ever think there was a 'c' in it??
Maybe your just being ethnic. Lots of names that are sounded shu, are spelt schu. I used to play ball and go to church with someone who's name was sorta like that.

(See Josh I like you to :P )
aww, thanks! You've been REALLY encouraging to everyone lately, it's actually pretty cool! at least you didn't make me feel stupid!
I think its cause i spell it with a c... Schmo.... not Shmo... i dont think i have ever spelled it that way... neither has my fam either... so your not stupid, you spelt it right! 1800 points for Josh! and 20000 points for Scott being so uplifting this week! You roxors my soxors Scott!
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday to DAAAAWWWWWNNNNN!!!!!! Happy Birthday to you!!

(just be happy it's not in person!)
On your msn space you've got your nick spelled 'shmo'. without a 'c'??
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