Thursday, September 21, 2006

Quick Update!

This is for those who are wondering 'where is Dawn?'! Well i will tell you! I am in a study prison... it is no longer a cave but has upped itself into a prison! Yes, i know, you are thinking 'Dawn you are just over-exaggerating'....i kid you not, i exaggerate none! By October 24th-ish i will have written 12 papers (i only have 8 more to go), completed 3 mid terms (only 2 to go), written 1 self eval, read a copious amount of chapters and pages and taken 4 finals! Yes, i IS maddness! I WILL get through it (even though sometimes i dont believe it myself and freak-out) but i do appologise for not spending time with y'all! Please do not interpretate the study prison for me just not wanting to call or talk or hang out! At the begining of November-ish my life slows down in the study prison area! Then i am in clinical and wont have to write a googal amount of papers~ So intill then, remember that when you reach the end of yourself is when God takes over (He's better at it anyway). Remember that when you want to cry because you are so stressed or frusterated.... thats when its time to stop....... breathe.......... and just be loved! Be blessed, love you all!
I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

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Nice to hear from you. And for those of you who don't know, google derived it's name from the word googol which is a numerical respresentation of a 1 with 100 zero's after it.

It's no joke... it really IS that busy.. it's retarded.. I know I sure couldn't do that.. and wouldn't.. unless God told me to... *looks at God* you're...not..gonna...right??
I can do all things through Christ you strengthens me...hmmm that sounds familier...ohh right thats what I said when I was riding that friggin mountian bike to the gate and know the trip you didnt have to go on...anyways just a little laugh from your friend Nikki thats what I do best help relieve stress...and I know that you can do it cause this is what God put on your heart to keep running the race, keep fighting, and never give you and have a great day
dawn you are too awesome.
haha i got my car today!!!! it is a 2005 pontiac pursuit. it's blue. it's pretty. it's fast too. :)
We REALLY CAN do it.... We got this... I'm sooo happy that I got to see you and spend time with you last night...try not to be too much of a stranger...cuz I miss you when you aren't here...REMEMBER YOU ARE NEVER ALONE...that and we got ice cream so when you need a shoulder and some "extra" comfort...stop by! *MUAH* love ya
Hey Dawn,
I know how you feel. Life somehow gets so busy that we don't know what to do. Just remember that in the midst of your busy, stressful studying, time spent with God is most important. :)! He will help you through all of this, after all, we have a mind of Christ...Love ya and miss ya tons!!
Hey you... I uh.. just want to say... that.. I like you, I think you're pretty fine... *nods*.... *hesitates*.... yeah, that's what I think!
like a parking ticket?
Oh yes, like a parking ticket!
BETTER than a parking ticket!
yeah it's a good reminder. i do tend to refuse to run any machines after a certain number of hours. i did two 12's and a 14 this week. im sore and i'm tired, but i'm ok. heh. my boss, Crystal, is always asking if i'm ok/. she said she'd be upset if i pushed myself to hard. which i do. heh. well. this is turning into a bit of an email...sooo imma cut it short you have a great thanksgiving too.
i hope all went well with your exams today...:) i think i would curl up and die if i had that much studing and good thing i dont.
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