Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ever After (not what you would expect)

ok.... before reading this you must think of it in an old english accent... thats soft, breathy in nature to really enjoy it as its meant.... and besides its fun! So here we go...

The absurdity that is one's head.... that is one's heart....
How fickle it must blind to its breathtaking beauty....
...the longing.... the lonely.... pulled between two traps.... one not even so.... the other..... pitiful comfort.... tis a shameful array.....
... feelings tied to beiefs on the contrary.... life, seemingly incomprehensive in the worst of ways.. a pit of warmth of embrace..... those who accompany gawk... staring, rather most intently.... at its dreadful happiness... losing its uttermost function in the process of barely tolerable....the bliss of a miss....
...foolish skantering carcuses flitter about.... their middaystrols, a frivilous task most enjoyable....
... the masks suiting and satisfying to commenors.... discoveries of old mustent be seen or told.... an impertanance.... courtship between love and understanding.... a thing which could not hold any ground.....
why must this be...... silence in a place where life is.... questions..... the infamis IF that so lay before..... in its silence it mocks.... ridicules the permissive in its place.... the impulse flushed away.... yet again with another day...


I really enjoy this writing style - I also enjoyed it when you read this to me with the accent you wanted to use (which you're good at, by the way!)
I wish I could say I completely understand it, but it wouldn't be true! I like it though, none the less! Cos only you know what it means to you and gives the reader room to apply it however the perceive it! Love you hun, great piece! See you Thursday, ya ya!
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